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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tomb Raider 2 System : Playstation Date Added : 2002-06-17 09:43:49 Views : 35974 Cheat : Level skip (NTSC version): Have Lara perform the following actions during game play. (Note: To sidestep, hold R2 and press the D-Pad in the indicated direction. To walk, hold R1 and press the D-pad in the indicated direction. Both R1 and R2 should be released when spinning or jumping.) Sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, walk one step back, and walk one step forward. Release R1, then spin at least three times in a complete circle in any direction. Finally, jump forwards and turn around in mid-air by pressing Up + Square, Circle (assuming the default controller configuration). Level skip (PAL version): Have Lara perform the following actions during game play. (Note: To walk, hold R1 and press the D-pad in the indicated direction. R1 should be released when spinning or jumping.) Press L2 to light a flare. Walk one step forward, walk one step back. Release R1, then spin at least three times in a complete circle in any direction. Jump forward by pressing Up + Square (assuming the default controller configuration). All weapons (NTSC version): Have Lara perform the following actions during game play. (Note: To sidestep, hold R2 and press the D-Pad in the indicated direction. To walk, hold R1 and press the D-pad in the indicated direction. Both R1 and R2 should be released when spinning or jumping.) Sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, walk one step back, and walk one step forward. Release R1, then spin at least three times in a complete circle in any direction. Finally, jump backwards and turn around in mid-air by pressing Down + Square, Circle (assuming the default controller configuration). All weapons (PAL version): Have Lara perform the following actions during game play. (Note: To walk, hold R1 and press the D-pad in the indicated direction. R1 should be released when spinning or jumping.) Press L2 to light a flare. Walk one step forward, walk one step back. Release R1, then spin at least three times in a complete circle in any direction. Jump back by pressing Down + Square (assuming the default controller configuration). Unlimited flares: Enable the "Level skip" or "All weapons" codes. Then, press Triangle to draw Lara's guns and press L2. A flare will appear, even if none are in Lara's inventory. Exploding Lara: Have Lara perform the following actions during game play. Walk one step forward, one step backward, hold walk while spinning three times in a complete circle in any direction, and jump backward. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Tomb Raider 2 cheat codes.
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